
The difficulty of brushing Stella’s teeth

Because of Stella’s Frenchie face we really struggle with the regular brushing of her teeth. Her short snout and big tongue don’t leave much room for a toothbrush, and even when we manage to get the toothbrush in her mouth it tends to get blocked by skin and her fighting back. We’ve almost completely given

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How we manage Stella’s itchy ears

A common issue with french bulldogs is their big ears, they are prone to dirt, mites and it’s usually where Stella’s allergies first manifest. She will scratch them like crazy if she’s having an allergy attack. It’s a recurrent issue and I just wanted to talk about some of the products we use and how

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Separation anxiety in a post-covid world

When covid rolled in, Terry and I moved to a working primarily from home situation, that hasn’t really changed after everything opened back up. We tend to do a day or two if the office, but more often than not one of us will be in the flat for the full day now. Stella has

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Barks at Bardsea

Last month we took Stella to Bardsea, it was her first outing since the IVDD incident earlier in the year, so we were a little on edge about putting her up to a proper trip with a fair bit of walking. It all went really well and we had a great time though! Here’s what

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Stella’s IVDD fiasco

It feels like we’re only blogging medical stuff here, so I’m going to fix that up soon because I swear we have a lot of happy memories too. But here’s a blog post about our nightmare earlier in the year with Stella. What happened now? So, we moved house in April and during the move

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Belated BOAS recovery post

We meant to blog about this sooner but were really busy and then procrastination and then… It’s suddenly March? Stella’s recovery from her BOAS surgery went about as well as we could have hoped it to. So if anyone’s looking for information on post-surgery stuff here we go! The weeks after surgery As you might

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The story of Stella’s BOAS surgery

It’s been a pretty crazy week for us, because this was finally the week where Stella got admitted for her BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome) surgery. It’s been a bit of a saga, we’ve been waiting to sort this since she was denied her spay back in September because of her condition. We wanted to

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Hey did you know? Frenchies have surprise back issues

So last week we were just lazing around the flat one evening when we noticed Stella wasn’t quite herself. She was being quiet and mopey, so we started to fuss a little and noticed that she was also bloated and a little shaky. We’d also realised she hadn’t pooped a lot on that particular day,

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