It’s been almost three years since Stella’s BOAS surgery. So I guess this will serve as an update on that and where things are at with her now. Perks of the BOAS surgery Since having her surgery in 2019 Stella was doing really well, we were able to take her on walks and adventures with
Weird questions we get asked about our Frenchie
This is more of a ranty article about some of the weird questions we get asked about Stella on the street, with dog theft being pretty high at the moment it baffles me why some people feel the need to ask questions about her. For reference, here’s some of the shiz you should never ask
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Belated BOAS recovery post
We meant to blog about this sooner but were really busy and then procrastination and then… It’s suddenly March? Stella’s recovery from her BOAS surgery went about as well as we could have hoped it to. So if anyone’s looking for information on post-surgery stuff here we go! The weeks after surgery As you might
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Hey did you know? Frenchies have surprise back issues
So last week we were just lazing around the flat one evening when we noticed Stella wasn’t quite herself. She was being quiet and mopey, so we started to fuss a little and noticed that she was also bloated and a little shaky. We’d also realised she hadn’t pooped a lot on that particular day,