I see a lot of posts online with people talking about how much they struggle to find the right pet insurance that covers all of their French Bulldog’s needs. So I thought I’d make a more detailed post about my experience with The Co-operative pet insurance. Stella’s been on their insurance for six years now,
Stella’s BOAS progression – laryngeal collapse
It’s been almost three years since Stella’s BOAS surgery. So I guess this will serve as an update on that and where things are at with her now. Perks of the BOAS surgery Since having her surgery in 2019 Stella was doing really well, we were able to take her on walks and adventures with
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Belated BOAS recovery post
We meant to blog about this sooner but were really busy and then procrastination and then… It’s suddenly March? Stella’s recovery from her BOAS surgery went about as well as we could have hoped it to. So if anyone’s looking for information on post-surgery stuff here we go! The weeks after surgery As you might
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The story of Stella’s BOAS surgery
It’s been a pretty crazy week for us, because this was finally the week where Stella got admitted for her BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome) surgery. It’s been a bit of a saga, we’ve been waiting to sort this since she was denied her spay back in September because of her condition. We wanted to