Ranking Lily’s Kitchen dog food flavours

I don’t know why I thought this would be fun.

Before we get in to it, it’s worth saying that I love Lily’s Kitchen in all flavours. Before we switched to them Stella was very iffy with her food and would refuse to eat, sometimes vomit and generally have a bad time with the first brands we tried. Lily’s Kitchen was a great find for us.

Stella’s quite a fussy eater generally, and getting her to eat properly sometimes takes a bit of prompting, but I’m going to have a fun rundown of the flavours of Lily’s Kitchen and see how it goes.

5. Wild Woodland Walk: Stella will eat this flavour, but it tends to be the one she gets ‘bored’ of the fastest. The only real way we’ve been able to get her to finish the flavour is by mixing in some wet food or other dry food flavours. Venison? She ain’t posh like that.

4. Chicken Bake: Made with organic chicken, I don’t see this flavour as often in the stores as all the others, and it’s usually a pound or two more expensive. This is another one Stella will eat, but if we give it her too many days in a row she starts being all ‘This again?’

3. Salmon Supper: It’s worth mentioning that she goes CRAZY for this in the wet food variety, I think it’s her favourite of those. We try to primarily feed her dry food though, and this one tends to do well. It’s a little hit or miss though, sometimes she’ll see of an entire bag, other times she won’t have it. I told you, she’s fussy.

2. Countryside Casserole: This is what we currently have in. The mix of chicken and duck goes down really well. This is one of the two flavours we can give her back to back and she won’t get too bored of it. Luckily it’s also one of the easier to find options.

1. Shepherds Pie: Honestly, I’m kind of proud of her liking the lamb the best, I taught her well. The Cottage Pie flavour is the one we can most consistently go back again and again to. I wouldn’t have thought that the ‘Wild Woodland Walk’ tasted much different but clearly it does, she loves it.

Truth be told we have to rotate her flavours after a while regardless of brand or flavour, she seems to get bored quite easily. It was harder when we were feeding her Tails.com and the one recipe got really hard to keep her coming back for more.

We do mix in small amounts of the wet food when we’re trying to keep her weight in check, but for the most part a good rotation of Lily’s Kitchen has kept her bowls empty. We tend to mix the next flavour in her dog food storage tin when it’s around a third of the way down, which is much easier than trying to force the end of a bag on her.

If you want to try Lily’s Kitchen here’s you can order some here. It’ll be no shock at all that I recommend the Shepherd’s Pie!

Author: Kay

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